Feeder (New Slang @ Hippodrome, 28.9.17)

 Feeder played New Slang in Kingston last night ahead of the release of their greatest hits record. I'm not that familiar with Feeder's more recent output but opener "Universe of Life" feels more jagged around the edges whilst "Eskimo" has a moodier feel. The highlight of the set is probably "Feeling A Moment", a song I'd completely forgotten that I love, both maudlin and quietly optimistic. "Just The Way I'm Feeling" continues in a similar vein, prompting mass singalongs. It's a song I never skip when it comes on shuffle on my iPod, because it's lovely.

The band give the crowd the option of hearing "Just A Day" or "Buck Rogers", to which the only logical response is "play both". But it's the former that wins out, with its iconic riff sending the room into a predictable frenzy. They end with "Sweet 16", an obscure old track. The band go off, leading to an awkward three minutes where the crowd chant for an encore and the venue themselves seem unsure if one will take place before eventually.. With no support act, the 45 minute, 9 song set feels short and a few people took to social media to complain.

I appreciate the bind bands are in regarding New Slang. It's basically a club night that acts as a promotional event for bands with a new record out the following day. Feeder were quite upfront about the fact they have a Brixton Academy date in March and thus aren't inclined to do a full length set for £11 (£15 with a copy of their new "Best Of"). But I feel they could have gone to the hour mark and at the very least played Buck Rogers. A disappointing end to a enjoyable set.


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